Trash Pick Up
Trash pickup is mandatory within the city limits. Trash may be picked up only by the City's contracted hauler, including dumpsters for large projects and construction. Senior discount is available. In addition to regular trash pickup, blue recycling totes have been provided by the contractor for residents to recycle appropriate trash. Please do not put non recycle items in the special recycle containers, as they will not be picked up.
Holidays observed by LRS Sanitation are New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If your trash is scheduled to be picked up on these days, it will be picked up the following day.
Please keep in mind that recycling pickup time is not a fixed time and could occur either before or after trash pickup, so please check your recycling bin to be sure it has been emptied before you put it away.
Trees or brush resulting from building construction or contract tree removal is the responsibility of the contractor. For large items, such as sofas, etc, please contact LRS to schedule a pick up. For further information, call LRS at 618-487-5794.