Solicitors Permit

Solicitor Permits are issued by this department in compliance with CHAPTER 114, of the Municipal Code. This ordinance provides the solicitor application to be accompanied by a payment of $50 (non-refundable) for each solicitor. The City has a 10-day period for response to the applicant.

Additionally, there is a $50 solicitor permit fee per applicant that is valid for 30 days.

Resident Not-For-Profit organizations soliciting for charitable purposes are exempt from payment, however, they must obtain the permit. Those persons selling insurance are not "solicitors" by definition of the Illinois courts and therefore are exempt from this ordinance. Any person of 16 years of age and under, who is participating in a fund raising program for or sponsored by, a public or private elementary, high school or bona fide children's organization, including without limitation, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or youth sports is also exempt.

The applicant must make the fee payment at the Municipal Building between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, no weekends or holidays, and attach their receipt for this payment to the application. Applications without receipt of payment will not be processed. All applicants must provide a current photo identification.

Solicitor Permits: 

May be revoked at the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee.

Are not transferable.

City issued badges must also be worn at all times.

Those soliciting within the city limits of Greenville shall do so from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM,Monday through Saturday only.

Solicitors must not go to back doors.

False statements contained on the application will result in refusal or revocation of permit.

Must Honor "No Soliciting" signs on premises of homeowners.