Planning & Zoning
Because it controls the use of land, the zoning ordinance is an effective means of implementing a community's land use plan. Orderly development of the City is guided by zoning districts which designate certain uses as permitted or restricted.
City Planning
2005 Comprehensive Plan
Variance Request
A request to change the zoning designation, zoning variance, special use permit or subdivision plat approval requires a public hearing before the Plan Commission or Zoning Board of Adjustment.
All Zoning Board of Adjustment applications must be submitted by the 25th of the preceding month to ensure proper public notice publication. A public notice fee is required at the time of application.
All Plan Commission applications must be submitted by the 1st of the same month of the meeting date.
The City Council will provide final rulings on all Zoning Board of Adjustment and Plan Commission recommendations on the second Tuesday of month following the committee meetings.
Application for Zoning Request
Zoning Map
The zoning map illustrates the land use plan and is reviewed and updated to reflect the current plan. There are zoning districts for agricultural, residential, office, business, and manufacturing uses.