City of Greenville will Host City Wide Yard Sales

The Greenville City-Wide Yard Sale will be held Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 and is open to all city residents. 


City of Greenville staff is coordinating the event and will provide maps showing the location, hours, and some of the items available at participating residences.  There is no cost to participate or to be included on the map.


Registration forms can be picked up at the city of Greenville Municipal Building or the Greenville Public Library. A downloadable form can also be downloaded from the City’s website HERE.  Forms must be returned to the Municipal Building by 8 am on Wednesday, September 25 to be included on the map.   A digital form can be found HERE.


The maps will be available beginning Thursday, September 26 at the city of Greenville Municipal Building or the Greenville Police Department located at 404 S. Third Street.


Participants are reminded that yard sale signs should only be posted on private property with the owner’s consent and that it is illegal to post signs on city utility poles, street sign poles, or signal light poles.  


For more information on the City-Wide Yard Sale, contact the Municipal Building at 664-1644.