Board of Adjustments

The Board of Adjustment hears all requests relating to variances from the city code and other adopted codes.  The Board of Adjustments will make a recommendation to the city council for granting or denying all requests.

 Board of Adjustments  Designation  Term Expires (5 yr terms) 
 1.  Tony Atchison          Member          4/30/2027
 2.  Doug Faulkner  Member  4/30/2028
 3.  Dale Hastings  Member  4/30/2028
 4.  Eugene Holt  Member  4/30/2029
 5.  Rena Ward  Member  4/30/2026
 6.  Crystal Grove  Member  4/30/2025
 7.  Richard Zbinden  Member  4/30/2025

                                                    Council Member, ex-officio (non-voting)

Meeting Date

The Board of Adjustments typically meets on the third Tuesday of every month as needed at 6:00 PM at the Greenville Municipal Building.