Brush Pick Up Code
Scan this code with your smartphone's camera to reach the form.

Brush Pick Up

Brush pickup is provided to City of Greenville residents.

Public Works employees pick up brush once a week, as schedules permit.

In order to be more efficient, we ask that you please fill out this form (Click Here), call the Municipal Building at 664-1644 or scan the QR Code on this page to be directed to the online form to be put on the Brush ListThis needs to be done each time you have brush to be picked up.


All brush must be piled neatly and placed parallel along the curb to the front of the property by 7 a.m. on Monday mornings.  You may put small sticks and grass clippings in the provided paper bags available at the Municipal Building.

Do not place brush in the roadway, street, ditch, or alleyway.

No building materials will be picked up.

Grass, hedge clippings, flowers, and garden waste must be bagged in a paper bag or boxed. No limbs or brush over 4 feet in length will be picked up.

Brush that has been cut by anyone other than the resident/homeowner will not be picked up by the City.